Established in 1972 by Shri B L. Jain with limited resources, basic range of fuel pipes and few customers we are now an established name in automobile industry for over 35 years. We have a factory of 2000 square yards in the industrial town of Phagwara (Punjab) on the National Highway No.1 (G.T.Road) in the Northern State of India .We are manufacturing and exporting a wide range of fuel pipes & spares for diesel engines, tractors & automobiles. Our World Class Infrastructure includes State-of-the-Art Computerised machines, quality testing equipments and trained and experienced manpower. We are proud to be patronized by Wholesalers, Retailers and Exporters who continue to have trust in us for 35 years.

Manufacturing Facilities and Quality Assurance
The company is having a well equipments and all other manufacturing facilities and manufacturing all its products under one roof. We have 2000 square yards floor area dedicated to factory area. The company is having Computer Added machines to handle bulk production with precision and quality. The Company has complete process of manufacturing, quality check, warehousing and dispatch is done in-house under one roof. All orders are pre-planned as per customers’ instructions for supply on time. Also the company takes care to reduce the rejection rate to avoid manufacturing losses as well as to increase production and to save time. Raw Material sourcing is done from trusted sources and in bulk to leverage costing. W ith the adoption of ISO 9001:2000 quality standards the company ensures most demanding specifications are met and deadlines adhered to well trained and experienced man-power in all fields of production .Very low turnover of skilled and semi skilled manpower for over 35 years has enabled the company to retain and accumulate important skills whilst giving their customers excellent production, quality, delivery and service.